Would basil or mint work for the herb here? I'm out of dill!

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Girl, first of all, pickle game strong.

Second, I'm still nervous (from last time I wrote you about this LAST summer) about the flooring of your gorgeous deck -- can you wear fabulous heels out there? It looks like no, but I'm sure you're on top of that. Cuz, sexy shoes, man .... no matter how old I get, or how NOT-thin I get... I'm always bustin' a bold red lip & a fierce-ass heel .... So be careful out there! (But the table, and whole setting, looks beautiful: warm, inviting, graceful. Enjoy. x.

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Ham party (Alison's Summer Version)

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Having some friends over who don’t eat pork and wanted to make a slab of beef ribs for them as well. Any suggestions on necessary modifications? Seems like can keep as is with similarish result.

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