Way cool for CNN!

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I’m so excited! 🥰

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I made this so many times with my family - truly foolproof pizza

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Has anyone tried making this pizza with any sorts of GF dough? Dying to try this recipe!

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So this says it’s enough for two rimmed baking sheets, I’m assuming half-sheets. My oven is a tiny NYC-apartment version that will only hold a quarter sheet at a time. I’m assuming I should halve the dough for two quarter sheets but want to make sure I’m correct. Also, are there adjustments to be made in the amount of yeast or other dough ingredients when halving? Thanks Alison!

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If I were you, I’d make the full batch of dough. After the mix and first proof in the bowl, I’d divide in two and freeze half it (a lot of pizza dough is sold frozen).

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Thank you! I will crave out some space in my tiny freezer!

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Is there a good point where we could refrigerate the dough if we can’t time it just right? Could we press it into the sheet pan then refrigerate until we’re ready to bake?

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Hey Alison! The written recipe is a wee bit different than the video and I was hoping for your help: the recipe says to split the dough into two but in the video it fills one sheet pan - can you clarify (will this alter the time to proof)? Also, the written recipe calls for 2 tsp of salt vs 1 tbsp in the video - saltier the better?

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We struggled SO much with the discrepencies. The video and recipe vary a bit. Alison uses a very large sheet pan in the video which holds ALL the dough. It's enough to feed the 6-12 described (although to be honest, it feeds more like 5-6 MAX. our group of 4 almost finished it lol!)

If you use a half sheet pan or a 9x13 dish you can use half the dough. We also didn't flip the dough over in the oil, we kept the one side oily versus both which would be more like foccacia. I believe Alison does the one side in the video also. Hope this helps!

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Thanks so much Alisha!

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Hi Alisha, a half sheet pan is 18x13 though - did you mean two quarter sheet pans (9x13)? Sounds like Alison is using a half sheet pan in the video and fits all of it. Trying to figure out recipe vs video! Have made this recipe previously but I can’t remember what I used and didn’t make a note in the book.

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Hi! Wait you are right and I had my numbers wrong.!! You can use an 18x13/half sheet for the entire ball of dough OR use half the dough for a 9x13 quarter sheet pan. We have now used the recipe many times with an 18x13 half sheet and it comes out great.

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That pizza looks amazing. Kinda reminds me of Buddy’s Pizza in Michigan. Yum!

CANNOT wait to watch your show on CNN. Am excited.

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Has anyone tried to double this recipe? Or should you make two separate batches?

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Honestly cannot believe how delicious this pizza is. We made it last night. My whole kitchen was smoky (mightve used entirely too much olive oil lol) but it was impeccable tasting. Thanks Alison.

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The one thing I have noticed when I make this recipe is that the crust will end up absorbing a lot of the oil and just taste greasy - anyone know why that happens and how to fix it?

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I don't know what I've done wrong, but after the first rise I turned the dough out as directed and it's just ... porridge. I weighed the flour (145g per cup), so it shouldn't be that. Anyone got any ideas? I've added probably a cup and a half of flour just to make it at all able to be kneaded, and it still super sticky going into its second rise, plus now it's much blander because of the decreased ratios of other ingredients.

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