Ok, sold. I’m making it. And it’ll be better than the fried chicken and waffles from 10 South in Vicksburg, MS!

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Is there anything to sub for the cornstarch? Allergies.

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Happy birthday David!

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Looks pretty delicious. Happy birthday, David.

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I'm wondering if I could combine the cutlet and the fried bone-in chicken recipes - marinate a cutlet in this marinade and then bread and cook as per the cutlet recipe? The thinner cut is more appealing to me but either way this looks bonkers good!

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Totally making this! I’d love to know where the gold measuring spoons are from.

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Loving the hot sauce reco!

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The last two Home Movies have mentioned sending out a Newsletter, but I haven't been receiving them. It may be that they're being sent to my old email address. If so, could my current email address be added to the Newsletter email list? Thanks!

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We made this, and it’s the best fried chicken we’ve ever made at home. Happened to have some apple mustard (from Ottolenghi’s column in the Guardian a few weeks ago) and that was a sweet, mustardy, fantastic accompaniment. And I’m one of those people who thinks fried chicken is superior as a cold leftover, and this did not disappoint on day 2. Make it!

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This is the best fried chicken recipe ever, so reliable and easy! I used jalapeno pickle liquid and it was just awesome. Served with a fennel/green apple/DILL salad✨

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