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Feb 12, 2024
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if I had to guess, it wasn't simmering hard enough (even if you simmered it the correct time)?

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pick me, choose me, love me

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You just described me to a T when it comes to dessert so of course I had to pre-order.

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Pre-ordered and entered the lottery! :)

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This is exciting news. Your recipes are beloved in our household (baked ziti, blueberry tart, labne dip, chickpea stew, cauliflower pasta, pistachio shortbread).

I am not your target audience as I bake almost daily, both sweet and savory and I freely admit to having a sweet tooth. That said I will buy your book because you are a fantastic recipe writer.

I have one wish. Please, please tell me you included weights. I’ll be doubly appreciative if you included metric weights.



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Ellen, it pleases me to tell you that yes, the US version of this book has metric measurements included ❤️🌹

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Thank you very much. You're the best.

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Thank you for putting out a book for the non-desserters! Preordered and entered 😊

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I love all of your recipes and your desserts are my fav! Hope you’re coming to Toronto :)

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Not this time but maybe in the fall!

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Savory dessert is (not really) my middle name! Pre-ordered; but will there be dill cookies?

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Maybe next book 🤔

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Pre-ordered 3 copies right after Xmas…one for me, the other two for my gal pals; we bake together over a zoom once a month. We are SO excited for the book… And so hoping you will visit either Chicago, Denver, and/or Buffalo! XO to you, Alison… You are amazing!

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So happy to hear that! Chicago is on the list! Stay tuned..

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OH! YES!!!!!!!!!

ps: I am doing a HAM PARTY on 2/19 for 10 gal pals...I know it's going to be AMAZING!

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Got my ticket to Chicago event. BEYOND THRILLED! And, entered baking night drawing...,my name was chosen last time but I gave up my space bc I had a work dinner I couldn't get out of the same night. fingers crossed for this time around!

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Cannot wait. Congrats!

Wondering if Amazon is our only option for spiral bound?

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Spiral bound is not something my publisher prints- it’s something done by third parties from scanning each page and making the book themselves- technically not illegal, but also terrible!

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Oooh gross, ok! It can be handy, especially for cookbooks but that will be a no go! Should have known better coming from Amazon. I’ll pre-order from Book Larder in Seattle! Thank you for the response!

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Alison: I feel like we know each other. You have attended many of my soirées via your recipe. I pretend you are in the next room when I tell guests about the lime chicken or shallot pasta. I like your cooking videos. They feel like my favorite I love Lucy’s. Looking forward to the new book. Just want to tell you that it is obvious to me (and I know many others) that you are the real deal. Keep following your heart. It is brave and fun and it shows. Prost.

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Can't wait for the new book. BTW made your cauliflower and pasta recipe from the NYT last night and it was absolutely fabulous.

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Does rice pudding ever go in the over? Asking for a friend...

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Haha I have tried but never got the right texture…. It’s stove top for me!

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Great news! We love your cookbooks.Can you get some signed copies to BookPeople in Austin, TX? We like to support our local independent bookstore.

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I believe they’ll be receiving copies with “book plates”- meaning I’ve signed a little piece of paper that sticks into the interior of the book. A real signature, just not signed on location!

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Dear Alison,

I just finished a heaping helping of your delicious Baked Ziti (used Rigatoni per your vid) and I just want to say I’m so happy to have found you! I’m looking forward to more of your fun and insightful videos. You make cooking easier for me. Onward ho!!!!!! ✨

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Hello! I pre-ordered a signed copy and still haven’t received it! Just wanted to see if it has been shipped out yet? Super excited to receive it! Thanks so much ☺️

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I’m so sorry to hear!! You’ll have to follow up with whomever you ordered it from though, I have no idea how that sausage gets made 😂

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Just got it!! Super excited! Adore you ❤️☺️

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