Welcome to A Newsletter! Thank you for being here. If you’ve found your way over by some miracle but are not yet subscribed, let me help you with that:
Hello! As you may or may not have heard, I have a new book coming out in two short months (March 28th, to be exact) and this is VERY exciting for me for a few reasons:
1. I love writing books. Of all the things I do, making books is the thing I can say for certain I hope to do forever. They are semi-permanent, physical artifacts. To write, edit, shoot and design a book fills me with such joy and purpose I forget that sometimes I also hate it because it’s work that requires you to disappear to produce and then takes forever to be seen.
What it lacks in instant gratification, it makes up for in soul-fortifying happiness, knowing there is now a THING that exists in the world that can live past the 4-second attention span of the internet.

2. I haven’t had a book come out in three years, which doesn’t sound like a long time, but when “writing books” is your primary occupation, it is. I’m also so very excited to go on book tour again (since 2019!), a very chaotic and exciting few weeks where I get to travel the country, meet new people, answer excellent questions, stay at fun hotels, neglect self-care and wear the same 3 outfits over and over again. Stay tuned (watch this space, etc.) for more details on the tour, coming VERY soon.
3. This book is not like my other books– this book is a dessert book, a baking book. Or, more accurately, a dessert book that has savory recipes (there’s at least one anchovy appearance, and of course, dill was invited). Or, a baking book that has no-bake recipes (I love pudding and it never goes in the oven).
I like to say that this is a dessert book for people who don’t do desserts– you know the type. The ones who say they don’t want any dessert but eat half the key lime pie when it shows up (me, I am describing me). The “I can roast a chicken but I can’t bake” people, the “I just want one really solid recipe for a chocolate cake that doesn’t require any equipment or skill but otherwise might never bake anything else again” people.
It’s a book where most recipes fit on one page and if you don’t own an electric mixer, you can still make most things inside. I am not a perfect baker, nor am I the best baker, and even still I made everything you see on the pages— no food styling, no photo-ready anything— just imperfect, slightly “rustic” (messy?) desserts that will hopefully mirror the delightful quirkiness of whatever comes out of your own kitchen.
4. This is the first book I’ve published with this newsletter in tandem, which means there is now one convenient place to find book and recipe-specific Q+A threads, specifics for all tour events, and, details on where to find things like signed copies and merchandise (affectionately known as “merch,”). Details all coming soon, shared here first.
While my actual book tour will be IRL, you simply can’t keep me away from my laptop, which is why Wednesday, February 15th at 7pm EST I’ll be hosting a virtual baking class/book Q+A (on ZOOM!).
We’ll bake something from the book, talk about the book, answer your questions about the book, take a sneak peek of the book, and above all: have fun (with the book). This also happens to be my Grandma Prue’s 95th birthday, so I suggest we all drink white wine with three ice cubes and one single cocktail onion in celebration.
For a chance to attend: You must pre-order Sweet Enough no later than February 3rd. Enter your pre-order details HERE. Attendees will be selected at random and notified via email by February 6th.
Including where to order signed copies, please head HERE (worldwide, baby!).
This is exciting news. Your recipes are beloved in our household (baked ziti, blueberry tart, labne dip, chickpea stew, cauliflower pasta, pistachio shortbread).
I am not your target audience as I bake almost daily, both sweet and savory and I freely admit to having a sweet tooth. That said I will buy your book because you are a fantastic recipe writer.
I have one wish. Please, please tell me you included weights. I’ll be doubly appreciative if you included metric weights.
pick me, choose me, love me