Sep 11·edited Sep 11


(oh, the recipe looks great, too.)

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Congratulations! I’m thrilled for you. ❤️

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Congratulations, Alison!

Also, as someone currently hobbling through my first trimester, I just wanted to say thank you for sharing publicly that you a) felt awful and b) couldn't work that much. This has been a much harder experience than I expected and I also have felt very guilty for my lack of productivity, exacerbated by the fact that I don't feel comfortable sharing with many people yet. I'm sure it's very weird in some ways to have so many people parasocially invested in your life, but I hope it's nice to know that you really helped me feel less alone in this experience.

Wishing you a much easier rest of your pregnancy! <3 I can't wait to have an appetite again so I can make all of your recipes to my heart's content.

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Congratulations to you and Max on your wonderful news Alison, so happy for you! 😂 I love chowder and this recipe looks delicious so I will be on the hunt for some clams to try it. In the past I've used canned but the fresh look delicious. Take care of yourself and thanks for sharing your news.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11

Huge congratulations!!! I just had our second child and am still so in love with her. I have to be honest and say that I have been waiting for this because I am very curious how you would cook for a toddler.

PS - my first trimesters were both hell on earth. You’re not alone

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I absolutely knew you were pregnant, but being old enough to know better, I didn’t mention it. I’m so happy for your little family! Now back to the recipe. Clam chowder has always been my favorite - I even LOVED Campbell’s clam chowder but my mom would rarely buy it because it was one of the expensive soups. Be well, Alison, and take care. ❤️

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Warmest congratulations! Just take care of you and yours, everyone else can shove it 😉

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So exciting for you! Alison!! Second trimester is better. Now you can enjoy this time and get ready for the biggest and best life change ever!!

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Yaaaay, congratulations! 🎉

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Congratulations to you both....whoop whoop........way cool‼️❤️❤️❤️

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And if one were to use canned clams for the recipe, do you have any recommendations on the best type or brand? Thank you!!

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Such wonderful news!! Congratulations!! I was dreadfully sick for the first 3 mos. with both of my girls, plus I was running my catering business and cooking every damn day - it was not fun, so I feel your pain! Glad you are in the other side - now you’ll feel great for the next 5 mos, you’ll sleep the best sleep you’ve ever had (I still remember the epic naps I took!) then you’ll just want that last month to hurry up and end so you can meet your amazing baby!! I cooked right up to 2 weeks before I delivered when they put me on bed rest and while in bed I was still sitting there dipping rose petals in egg white and sugar for a wedding cake I was supposed to make! It’s an epic battle to keep yourself from over doing it, but you got this! ❤️❤️❤️

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