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i go straight on sheet tray

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Is lining with aluminum foil ok or do you think that reduces the browning?

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I just did this (foil) and it works just fine! 👌🏽

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Feb 12, 2021Liked by Alison Roman

Eggplant parm AND new zoom classes... great week :)

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Feb 12, 2021Liked by Alison Roman

Love Fridge is a collective of mutual aid fridges in Chicago! They have a bunch of them popping up all over the city..beyond just groceries from volunteers, restaurants are now offering free meals for the fridges too 🙌

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Feb 12, 2021Liked by Alison Roman

Yay! So excited for more #cookingwithAlison

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Feb 12, 2021Liked by Alison Roman

If you really want more plants, there is a gift certificate waiting for you at GRDN.

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William!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! That was a wildly kind gesture and I can't wait to fill my home with leafy delights. I really appreciate it.

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My pleasure. Treat yourself to whatever you like: plants, flowers, etc.

FYI, when my friend Kellie and I met you at Scribe Winery on November 8, 2019, I introduced myself as “Tex.”

You were so kind that day to spend so much time with us. 🙏

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Feb 12, 2021Liked by Alison Roman

Okay. I hate eggplant. I'm sure that is because I've never, ever had it prepared correctly. Every time, it's sweaty (ugh, just writing that made me gag); it kind of disintegrates in my mouth into a slime not unlike badly cooked okra; I can't even tell you what I tastes like, I don't even know, I only know how the texture feels. But this looks fucking delicious, so it's on the menu for the weekend (or as soon as I can chew again once this root canal heals.) Not gonna lie, I'm a little scared. This is a trust fall, Alison Roman. Don't let me hit the ground!

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Feb 12, 2021Liked by Alison Roman

next on your eggplant journey, you should try chinese eggplant (called fish-fragrant eggplant), from fuchsia dunlop, and israeli twice cooked eggplant, from the zahav cookbook. the vegetable that keeps on giving!

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Thank you, Ian! Recipes located and bookmarked. Both sound delicious. I'm actually rather excited for this eggplant journey now!

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all of these sound lovely-- will check them out, thank you!

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I made the twice cooked eggplant and it was awesome, thank you!

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i would never! i say this with 100% certainty: its really, really crazy good. silky and custardy and not at all slimy. thank you for trusting me!

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I made this. And it was DELICIOUS!! You were so right. Moving on to Ian’s recipes to see if eggplant is good in other ways besides covered in perfectly crispy panko, gooey cheese, and all the yummy salty goodness of anchovies and capers. Thank you! 💖

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I’m very excited to make this but quite sad that the timings for the classes are always at the same time! Which is 4am where I am currently living. My love for all things Alison Roman is proven by the fact that I have still considered signing up during every class offering. That is until I remember that I am a horrible person at 4am.

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Feb 12, 2021Liked by Alison Roman

I’m SO excited to go to another one of your cooking classes!! I can’t wait :) And can’t wait to see what we’re making. Thanks so much for doing this!

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These newsletters are so therapeutic for my soul! The recipes are great too. Everyone of them have been a hit!

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Feb 12, 2021Liked by Alison Roman

This sounds delicious!! I love your eggplant recipes. And I just signed up for the cooking class too :)

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Hmmmm... oregano? Referenced in the narrative but not in the ingredients list. Are we talking fresh? How much pls. Love love love anewsletter.

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I noticed that too, in the middle of making it! I just sprinkled in dried oregano on each layer since I didn't have fresh, worked well enough for me. Turned out so delicious!

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hi hi! sorry-- about 2 tablespoons fresh (you can skip or use 1/2 the amount of dried if you don't have)-- updated on the site!

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Feb 12, 2021Liked by Alison Roman

Absolutely love eggplant parm and I love it baked. Thank you for this. I look forward to reading the newsletter every week.

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would it be possible to add a brief description of the menu for the cooking/baking classes? would be a huge bummer to sign up then realize i hate one of the foods/am allergic

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Any chance you might offer the classes at times that work for your Europe-based fans? Asking for a friend 😛

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haha yes, at this point have gotten enough requests and hopefully, we can fill a class! stay tuned :)

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An awesome read. I have ALWAYS used my EP recipe (admittedly a little different) for what I call "parm-worthy" occasions--a new baby, a knee surgery, etc. I am famous at work for it.

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Can this be frozen after baking? If so, what would you recommend for reheating?

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