Hello and welcome to Home Movies Tuesday! If you’ve found your way over by some miracle but are not yet subscribed, here, let me help you with that:
This week is a little baby short video, not a recipe and basically what I think might qualify as a VLOG? A VLOG about loving and hating something in equal measure, about the bliss and frustration of baking and dessert making.
The title of the book is in reference to the literal sweetness level of desserts (they are truly, just….sweet enough), but it should also tell you something about my general attitude about the whole thing (my whole attitude about a lot of things, actually!). If I’m being honest, I feel a little sheepish promoting a dessert book when I myself have never purported to be a dessert person, just a person who makes dessert (professionally, for several years and personally, on occasion).
But, I do love them. I love making them, and yes, I did eat Cold Carrot Cake for breakfast.

I love melting butter even when it accidentally starts to brown at the edges and I love eating the cream cheese that’s stuck to the wrapper. I love following instructions and I love being told what to do. I love feeling like a magician when I make something delicious out of a pile of powders and a few eggs. I love the sense of accomplishment of pulling a cake from the oven when everything else on my to-do list stares at me with judgement. I love having a sense of control in a world full of chaos. I hate how my brain feels after eating lots sugar, and I hate how my body feels after eating too much dairy. I hate measuring ingredients and I hate being told what to do. I hate how annoying it is to wait so long for something when you’re not even sure if it’s going to turn out. I hate how you can’t just wing it and I hate how you have to plan ahead. I hate how chaotic it can feel when life is already feeling so chaotic. I love baking, I hate baking!
I know it’s hard to believe, but the book is a mere TWO WEEKS AWAY from being out in the world, hopefully into all your sweet little hands to fall in love (and sometimes, also hate) with the gorgeous, messy, joyous world of baking/dessert making/sweets eating.
Imagine having to wait longer than that for this book!! I simply couldn’t!!! And you don’t have to, if you pre-order!
For general pre-orders, head HERE.
For signed copies from some of my favorite independent bookstores, click on each link (they ship!): Books are Magic, Books & Books, Omnivore and Skylight.
For anyone on the fence, I am opening up a separate comment thread about this book coming later today, which I’ll be popping into over the next two weeks to answer all your questions about what this book could/might/will do for you. Available to paid subscribers only.
I’m so excited!! Let the countdown begin. I pre-ordered late last year from Books Are Magic and can’t wait to dig in!
I love everything about baking.
I am by nature patient so waiting doesn’t bother me especially since the house usually smells wonderful during the waits.
I weigh my ingredients (in grams) so no powder flying everywhere.
I pit cherries in the bottom of the sink or outside to contain the mess. I also recommend cutting and juicing blood oranges in the bottom of the sink if you prefer your kitchen to not look like a crime scene.
I am a night owl so during summer I bake and make jam after midnight.
I’ve had great success with your dessert recipes: brown butter buttermilk cake, blueberry tart, pistachio shortbread, so I’m eagerly anticipating receiving your new book.
Thank you for your help incredible recipes and for sharing your fun personality.